Mama Notes


I am a Mama!

Maybe you are a Mama too. Perhaps we do things the same. But maybe we do things differently. This space is for us ALL.

To the mama who tries to feed her kids all the veggies, but ends up with Uber eats on the table, I SEE you.
To the mama who tries to parent gently and emotionally, but looses her shit daily, I HEAR you.

To the mama who is beyond exhaustion day in and day out, who wants to take her kids to the museum, but can barely manage to walk out the front door, I FEEL you.

Without a doubt, this is the hardest going round. We're all here, we're all in it. All I can say, is do your best, and give yourself some place gentle to land for when the times aren't so much like the 'highlights reel!'

You have a story. You are enough. You are worthy.

