

Now look, I love a bit of fitness

I love training, I always have. It's my 'release valve.' You can pretty much guarantee, that the more stressful my life is, the more I train. Yep - you can actually gauge my stress level by my state of strength/fitness. It's something that I really enjoy, and in these days when I'm SO consumed by mamahood, it remains one of the few things I do for myself #selfcare!

I have thrown myself into many different fitness pursuits, from long distance running to CrossFit, and everything in between. I really believe that you just need to do what is right for you, right now! While I love fitness, I understand that for many, it's just not your jam, and THAT'S FINE! I just love to keep my legs/lungs ticking over for my mental health and the safety of my family.

I have worked as a Level 1 CrossFit Coach, and I have specialised in women's strength and conditioning. I have trained through my 4 pregnancies, and have worked hard on my post partum recoveries every time. I have, and will continue to share these experiences here!

In the past, I have been very very committed to fitness. These days I am far more, shall we say 'balanced.'


fitness blog
